Monday, March 23, 2009

Cinematics 211

Through out all 3 of my videos i tried to have a very similar story line.
the general story line was that the iraq people would defend a piracy factory that was producing illegal media copies.
they would fight in the end it would get destroyed like most things in war but would not be forgotten. End clip aiming to be the Americans finding a new factory leaving you with a recurring cycle. Wars will never stop people will always fight, and in my opinion the war on copy right will not stop ether. 

Main outcome idea:
I was trying to make the audience see that all wars are never nice be it a piracy war were people are constantly fighting for data, or fighting against the free taking of data
Also i have tried to give a sense of everlasting "You may win a battle today but in the overall out come there is only first an second loser".

Movie One:
the first movie i made i did not have a full understanding of the image or message i was trying to give witch made it hard i must have made 3 smaller movies before i finished my first, trying to build a story out of clips is not always easy but i got an end result witch made me think of what i could do in the next two movies. It was also hard to get the outcome i wanted from a program iv never used before although becoming easier as my movies progressed.

Movie Two:
In this movie i tried to concentrate on making u look at the film like it was a war film but with a shoreline of my own hidden inside. I made it very Iraq vs America with music changes and obvious small clips of conflict.
Movie number two was better than the first because it was slightly easer to understand the  small copy right reference.

Movie Three: 
Movie three was by far the funniest i had a better idea of how to use avid.
I had also planed out my 30 seconds of footage better for example i would brake it down into clips of time so i would have a three second intro and then five two second clips of Iraq men followed by the same for the americans plus an ending.
So based on the clip structure it helped me build almost teams on the movie and made it easer to split the movie in to two even playing grounds.
I new what i wanted in the third video thanks to movie two and one.

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